Hero of the empire wc3
Hero of the empire wc3

When an item is dropped it will appear as a chest on the floor :

hero of the empire wc3

Only Bosses and neutral creeps can drop items, not lane creeps. You can also get extra gold from items dropped by ennemies.

hero of the empire wc3

This can be very difficult at first due to the low amount of damage most heroes do early on. Moreover, the only way to get gold from ennemies is to kill them by dealing the final hit / last hit on them. Hero of the Empire has no passively generated gold so all of your income comes almost entirely from farming enemies. You can also have access to you character's color Horn of Cenarius Pedestal that can allow you to survive a bit longer when beginning the map. This can help you purchase items without having to leave lane and miss out on experience. If you purchase the Leather Helm you will be left with enough gold to also purchase a Pack Horse, a slow, controllable unit that has inventory slots. The Leather helm will help to heal you up after you are hit by enemies while the Low Quality Armor will help to reduce the damage you take while also giving you 150 extra health.

hero of the empire wc3

Two good options are the Leather Helm (400g) or the Low Quality Armor (700g), both of which are sold at the Marketplace. You start the game with 780gold to spend and you should spend it on what items you can so that you can be as safe as possible in lane. You will mainly spend your time on the several Lanes but when in mid-game you will travel between the various Jungle zones and finally attack the ennemy Citadel.

  • The Four lanes (First Lane at the left, Fourth at the right, Central Lane is the Third one).
  • hero of the empire wc3

    Where you can find the ennemy Citadel and where each Dark Forces unit spawn. Where you can find the Shops, the Castle to defend, NPCs. Your main objective is to protect your Castle against the Dark Forces and to destroy the ennemy Citadel. To compensate that, you will play a Hero of the Empire that can level up, gain / improve abilities and equip stuff (like a M.O.B.A.). The forces of the Dark have a slight advantage at the beginning and this advantage is growing all the time. In this game, 2 factions are fighting against each other, the Empire (Light Forces) and the Dark Forces.

    Hero of the empire wc3